
Permanently Closed
June 10, 2020
Dear Friends and Followers,
The effects of Covid-19 and these past months of our play cafe's closure has caused us to re-evaluate our business. We've been shut down for almost 3 months now, and it's still unclear when we'd be allowed to open again.
Unfortunately, at this time, we have made the heartbreaking decision to close our doors permanently.
The main focus of our business - play dates, birthday parties and events, was based on people socializing in groups. With our doors closed and physical distancing the "new normal", we came to the realization that our existing business model is not viable in these uncertain times.
We are so grateful to have met each and every one of you. And for a few, we're thankful for the close friendships we made along the way. Over the few short months we were open, we witnessed some pretty amazing things; families welcoming new babies, estranged families reuniting, grandparents from other countries visiting their grandchildren, children progressing from scooting on their bottoms to taking their first steps.
We will continue to hold online auctions for as long as we have donations to sell. This will help with our outstanding expenses from the past few months. We thank all our our bidders/buyers and everyone who has donated items towards the auction and donated money in one form or another. You made a difference!
We would like to thank our customers for supporting our dream while we were open, and while we have been closed the past couple of months:
Thank you to everyone who helped us along this journey. We will never forget your generosity, kindness and our conversations.
Thank you for trusting us with your birthday celebrations and other special occasions,
Thank you for coming to us when you were tired after a long day and wanted to relax,
Thank you for supporting us when we asked for help a few months ago,
Thank you for letting us know your beautiful children,
Thank you all.
Even though we've got to say goodbye to our business, we know there's many small businesses in the region still working hard to provide goods and services.
Our community is strong, and our spirit resilient. By working together, and supporting local whenever possible, we can all make sure our friends and neighbors weather this storm and are still there for us when this is all over.
~ Sonia Haywood